About Kandy

Unto us a KandyGirl creation is Born! The Hylton Collection was started as a hobby that turned into my passion and a small business. I created my very first piece in 2000. I would create jewelry for myself as a pastime to unwind from a busy day and stimulate the creative juices that I felt flowing within. My family and friends started asking me to design pieces for them. This was only the beginning of something larger. This was the "Kandy" that was too sweet to eat!
I strives to create wristwear for the young, the old, the good, the bad, the ugly and the one keeping up with the fad. My work is custom and all handmade from natural gemstones. Gemstones possess healing and protection powers that will aid in stabilizing your energy and chakra. I am a firm believer that your energy can pave the way for your emotions and actions. Protecting your energy and "peace" is a must!
Creating Jewelry and owning crystals are one of my favorite pastimes. God has blessed me to be able to share my designs with many people of all walks of life. We often give back to the community and many Awareness platforms as well. My passion is people. It pleases me place a smile on a face and Kandy on a wrist!
Kandy is good.
Kandy is sweet.
This is the lasting Kandy that you would die to eat!